Sunday, June 21, 2009

Since May 4th...

My last post was on May 4th where I was telling you how excited I was about the new open door to Leadership! Well, it's now 7 weeks later and I have 10 (count 'em), TEN new recruits!!! And one of those ladies already has her first downline team member! I have 2 more appointments scheduled for the coming week! I'm overwhelmed with the way it's just taken off! Did I say "overwhelmed"? I meant...OVERJOYED! This opens up such wonderful possibilities for my business. It's taken a new turn....with a new twist! I had no idea I had this in me. I thought it was for other people...people who were naturally outgoing and influential. As it turns out...that's not what it takes. What it takes is for me to open my mouth and offer the opportunity. That's it! Offer it! Guess what happened when I did. People said "yes"! Yes to wanting to work from home. Yes to wanting/needing extra money. Yes to wanting to purchase the things they're already buying at cost. People said "yes"! Therefore, I am going to make it a practice to ask every single new customer if they have ever thought about selling Avon. And then, I'm gonna listen for that "yes". And when I hear it, I'll simply tell them what it's done for me and offer them the opportunity to do what I do...and work a job I love! That's prospecting!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'M SO EXCITED.........

At our last district Leadership Meeting it was announced that we could expand our recruiting efforts to men and women who reside outside our district. That was the most exciting news to me! It opens up a whole new world (or at least the entire nation)! I know there are men and women who need cash, who are looking for profitable "work from home" and "be your own boss" businesses and I know how to help them! Avon is the answer!

I swear to you....the products dang near sell themselves! Everyone knows/trusts Avon. Why should they not? Avon is the #1 direct sales cosmetics company in the world! And the company has been in business for 123 years!

It's a perfect job for anyone who has a dream to start their own business and work for themselves! I get so "pumped" everytime one of my little "ideas" works! It just makes me feel good....reminds me that I'm on the right track and that I CAN DO THIS!!!

They say the sky's the limit with Avon...and I believe it. Sure, I'm not rollin' in dough today....but I'm making ends meet and I get great satisfaction out of this job I created for myself! I just KNOW this is the right choice for me!

If you've got a dream, I'd like to hear about it. I'd love to be an encouragement to you and I wouldn't mind an "atta girl" from you either from time-to-time. Let's join forces and take charge of our lives and do something rewarding for ourselves. I'm convinced I'll look back one day at these financially tight times and see that it was worth it!

Not only can I DO THIS...but YOU CAN TOO! Contact me today to start your journey.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy......Yves Saint Laurent

Friday, May 1, 2009

YOU CAN SUCCEED!!! Click here to see informercial

This infomercial shows you how you can succeed as an Independent Avon Sales Representative just like I and thousands of other women (and men have joined the ranks!) are doing. The best thing is that you can start right where you are, no matter your situation or circumstances and build your business to fit your lifestyle and personal goals. The most rewarding part, for me, is seeing my personal goals met (and exceeded) each and every week! What a boost I get when I see my efforts pay off! I don't have to wait for a boss to pat me on the back and tell me I've done a good job. I get to implement my own ideas and creativity, tweak what needs to be tweaked, and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Every little success is a motivator and every campaign has something new and exciting which I can use to grow my business! I absolutely, positively LOVE selling Avon!!! This IS the dream job for me!



Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is my first post and, to be quite honest, I don't really know what exactly I will blog about. I thought I would start documenting my customers feedback on the products that they've tried. I also thought it might be a good place for me to start writing about my passion for selling the product! So, here goes......

This time (this is my 3rd time) I've sold Avon for just under 2 years. I began selling while working both a full-time accounting job and a part-time pizza delivery job simultaneously. I worked very hard with the intend of "one day" being able to sell Avon full-time. Well, in the summer of 2008 I was able to quit my night job...but then in October of 2008 I was actually fired from my day job. No, I'm not proud to have to tell you that, but it's the truth. The day after I was fired, I decided that I would not go out to look for another job, but that I would go ahead and take a step of faith and give myself the chance to live my work for myself. And today, that's what I'm doing. I'm selling Avon full-time and loving every minute of it!!!

I'm 44 years old and I cannot tell you, if you've not experienced it for yourself, the freedom I feel from working for myself. I can't get fired or layed off. I can set personal goals and reward myself for meeting them. This is awesome!!! I'm so very happy about the turn my life has taken. I only wish I would have done it sooner!

I'm not gonna "fluff" this up. Because I abruptly lost my job, I don't have any money saved up or set aside like I would have had if I would have "planned" to do this. But, here I am! The opportunity was right in front of me...and I was not about to pass up the chance to do this! I'm not getting rich (not yet, nor may I ever) but I am making my bills and that's enough for me. If I can experience this sort of freedom and reap the rewards of my own hard work...then I'm satisfied! I have goals which I'm exceeding and I am confident that I made the right decision when I decided to sell Avon full time!

I will be posting updates as I go along. You'll see that Avon is a great company to go with if you decide to start your own business too. I'll try to share product information. Not only from Avon literature but I plan to pass on to you what my customers have to say about the products. So, I would love to have feedback from you...either about this blog (even if it's to tell me I'm boring you) or about the products or service I provide to you. I wanna hear from you!

My customers are the key to my success! Without you, I won't make a living and I won't have the success I'm aiming for. Your business is highly valued and I want to hear what you have to say.

Thank you for visiting me here.

Looking forward.........
